Who We Are
Alexis Society is an international not-for-profit and non-political organization. We promote creativity, innovation, peace, harmony and inclusive development.

Our Mission
To empower the youth community by providing them a platform to reach out and disseminate their ideas to like-minded people, who can work together in unison for global concerns by making optimal use of the limited resources we have at hand.

Our Vision
To create and develop a pool of young leaders who can give back to the society and make our country and the world a better place to live in.

We Have More Than 12 Years of Experience
People are our strongest asset. We select people with intelligence, integrity, and passion to make a difference. Youth Empowerment is our mission—it defines who we are. Each and every one of us strives to make a personal impact.
At Alexis Society, we celebrate diversity. We join hands with people from different educational, social and cultural background. This is because we believe that diversity teaches us to respect each other, it broadens our horizon and a diverse pool of people generally come with out of the box solutions to different problems.
Most importantly, We are down-to-earth, friendly, humble and approachable. We enjoy what we do and have fun. We like working with each other. We are not afraid of hard work. But we recognize that our work is only one part of a fulfilling life. So, fitting in is easy—just be yourself.

Years of



Passion for Excellence!





United Nations Global Compact
We are a participant in United Nations Global Compact. The UN Global Compact is a strategic policy initiative for businesses that are committed to aligning their operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption.

United Nations Civil Society Network
We are a Member of United Nations Civil Society Network. The NGO Branch has developed CSO Net – the Civil Society Network – a web portal devoted to NGOs and to members of United Nations agencies, funds and programmes, in order to share and promote best practices in the field of economic and social development, and to increase awareness of the work being carried out by the international development community.

Billion Tree Campaign
We are a Tree Planting Partner of Plant for the Planet: Billion Tree Campaign. It is a worldwide tree planting initiative facilitated by the United Nations Environment Programme.

Let’s Do It!
We are implementing Let’s Do It! Campaign in India. Civil society movement of taking stewardship of the place we call home – our regions, our countries, our world. First by mapping and cleaning up the illegal waste littering our countryside. Then by delving deeper into the problems why we are wasting so much.

Global Week to Act4SDGs
We are supporting the Global Week to #ACT4SDGs began in 2017, with a joint call to action from the UN SDG Action Campaign, Action for Sustainable Development and Global Call to Action against Poverty (GCAP) to civil society organizations, institutions and people everywhere to take action for the goals.

SDG Publishers Compact
We are supporting SDG Publishers Compact. This Compact is designed to inspire action among publishers. Launched in collaboration with the International Publishers Association, the Compact aims to accelerate progress to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by 2030.
Signatories aspire to develop sustainable practices and act as champions of the SDGs during the Decade of Action (2020-2030), publishing books and journals that will help inform, develop, and inspire action in that direction.
We Appreciate Their Support